Manta Ray Family Constellation Essence


A very healing essence to help you and everyone in a family group to face and overcome mutual challenges, problems and obstacles that block us and hold up our progress through life. It works on the 'Interpersonal Energy Fields’ so benefits are easily transferred from one person to another through our thoughts and love .

We all carry family burdens in our energy field. Most of which we are not aware of, as they are often hidden secrets in the past. We might experience them though as feelings of unworthiness, depressions, lethargic feelings or inability to make dissensions concerning the future; to name but a few.

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Why should we work on this now?
At this point in time, we are getting ready for new beginnings. For the great reset if you wish. It is therefore now a great time to clear ourselves of old patterns that do not serve us. Manta Ray Family essence is a great tool to unburden our emotional blueprint of dysfunctional family patterns. As we do so we can take an unburdened, free step toward a new beginning. This essence helps with that. It  also works through to our children or/and  to our grandparents in the family line. Keeping the good stuff and releasing the burdens that is what this essence brings.

If you want to reboot yourself and your family in a more peaceful resonance pattern... this is the essence to use.